I'm Abby, a mother of three little boys, photographer, occupational therapist, and the creator of Popty. I make these lovely, vibrant, and uniquely designed statement earrings from scratch by using polymer clay. It all started during the pandemic. I just had a baby during the lockdown. At that time, I felt that I wanted to do something positive or be productive...
That's when the idea of Popty came into existence. Designing and creating earrings serve as my creative outlet. I can do it all day because I simply love it!
abi's most asked questions about popty
which design is your favourite?
If I will have to choose which one is my favorite design, I will pick the neon design. I do not know what they are called yet but these are neons with a different style. They're fun to look at and wear. It's kind of my signature style.
do you have hundreds for yourself?
I keep one pair from each slab and I wear my earrings almost daily.
how do you do it all?
As a mother of 3, photographer, and business owner, time management was probably the biggest challenge I had. How did I overcome this? I think it's just accepting that it comes in waves. Making time for self-care is also crucial. It's not a selfish act but it's investing in your physical, mental, and emotional health.